
💱 Currency: Euro (€)

💶 Budget for a Trip to Lefkada: The average daily cost for a trip to Lefkada is around $180, including food and accommodation. To save money, consider dining at local tavernas and staying in family-run accommodations.

💜 Is Tipping Required in Lefkada? Tipping is customary in Lefkada. Plan to tip between 10-15% in restaurants, cafes, and for other services.

☀️ Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Lefkada is from late April to October, with June and September being ideal. This timing allows you to enjoy the island’s beauty with pleasant weather and fewer crowds.

✈️ Nearest Airport to Lefkada: The nearest airport to Lefkada is Aktion National Airport, which has the airport code PVK. It is located about 20 km from Lefkada and offers convenient access to the island.

🏥 Travel Insurance in Lefkada: We recommend Ekta for travel insurance. Ekta offers comprehensive coverage for trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and other travel-related incidents.